Monday, 28 September 2009

Is the E-Programme really free to access and if so, why?

The Tinnitus E-Programme is free to access. All the materials for the programme are freely downloadable including 4 x 30 minute recordings of relaxation exercises. There are no hidden charges - everything in the website is freely available including a Handbook that can be downloaded and used as you progress through the programme.

The reason the E-Programme materials are free to access is so that as many people as possible can have access to a way of helping them reduce tinnitus distress and habituate to tinnitus. The materials have been available to patients in Debbie Featherstone's NHS clinics in England for some 16 years, have been and continue to be used very successfully by hundreds of people.

Since launching the on-line Tinnitus E-Programme in June 2009, hosted by the Clitheroe Therapies website, it has been accessed by people across the world and it was time that the E-Programme had its own dedicated website.

In addition to the free to access materials, there is a Support Forum that individuals can join at The support forum is moderated by 3 Hearing Therapy/Audiology professionals and one lay person who herself has tinnitus, found her own way of managing it effectively and now helps support others to habituate to their distressing tinnitus. This Blog can also be used to help support those undertaking the E-Programme.

The Tinnitus E-Programme is NOT A CURE for tinnitus. There is no cure, however, through gaining an understanding of what tinnitus is, learning how to reduce levels of stress arousal that perpetuate it and putting this learning into practice, many hundreds of people benefit from undertaking this structured programme over a 6 - 10 week period.

To get started on the Tinnitus E-Programme, just copy and paste this URL into your browser:

Debbie Featherstone
Tinnitus E-Programme


  1. I'm so glad Debbie continues to offer this site. I received another advert for a miracle tinnitus cure this week. The advert was aimed at professionals telling them how much extra money they could make by offering a device to tinnitus patients that basically shines a light in the ear - no benefit at all. So I'm glad the site is here offering support and effective therapy for people who are looking for help.

  2. Yes, I'm also so thankful that this resource continues to be made available.
    The miracle cures go on, I notice the RNID forum has again been invaded by someone trying to sell a book or remedy. I wonder how long it will take them to notice it?
    Bye for now
