Today is 19th June 2010, and it is exactly one year since the Tinnitus E-Programme was launched on-line as a freely available resource for both clinicians and for people who have troublesome tinnitus. Now seems like a good time to reflect on this past year. What difference has the E-Programme made? Who has benefited from using it? Does it work as an on-line resource?
What difference has the Tinnitus E-Programme made?
Probably the biggest difference that it has made has been that for the first time, as far as I am aware, there has been a free to access FULL programme of tinnitus management available to anyone who can access the internet! The site is not meant to be used as an “information site” about tinnitus. There are already plenty of those around and the BTA (British Tinnitus Association) website is one of the best, certainly in the British Isles.
But at least an equivalent “biggest difference” has been the difference that the E-Programme has made to the lives of many individuals who have used it. This difference is obvious from the testimonials sent in by people who have completed the programme during the past twelve months. I have published each of them on the website, the most recent of which are on the Home page.
Who has benefited from using the Tinnitus E-Programme?
Other than those individuals to whom I am very grateful for having sent in their BEFORE and AFTER THI (Tinnitus Handicap Inventory) questionnaires and testimonials, unfortunately I don’t know the answer to this!
It is an extremely frustrating matter for me personally that so few people send me their questionnaires. Coming from an evidence-based clinical background as I do, without sufficient “evidence” of clear Outcomes, the on-line version of the Tinnitus E-Programme cannot be validated.
The exact same programme is validated as a face to face “clinical intervention for tinnitus”, however, until a far higher proportion of people accessing the materials on the website send in their BEFORE and AFTER questionnaires, it is unclear how effective it is as an on-line programme. Considering the large numbers of people from all over the world who are downloading the materials, I am very disappointed that more people aren’t prepared to help validate the E-Programme. There have been times throughout this past twelve months that I have seriously considered withdrawing the E-Programme and closing down the website because of this. Unfortunately this remains a real possibility and sooner or later I am going to have to make this very difficult decision. Without the evidence of clear successful Outcomes, I am not prepared to allow my name to be linked to a non-validated resource.
It is equally important that people who have not been helped by the E-Programme send in their Outcomes. I have received none of these, other than one lovely chap who had found it helpful but needed much more in the way of one-to-one therapy for anxiety and depression. I know that this is a common issue from my clinical work. Very often, probably in around 20% of all those patients referred to me with distressing tinnitus, additional therapy is required for anxiety and/or depression related problems. The on-line Tinnitus E-Programme does not and cannot provide the kind of help needed in such cases.
So, considering the above……
Does the Tinnitus E-Programme work as an on-line resource?
Based on numbers of Outcomes sent in, the answer – at the moment after one year – is no. There is insufficient evidence to claim that it does work as an on-line resource. Certainly, it works for some – based on the evidence of the Outcomes sent in. However, having received only 13 sets of full Outcomes when there have been 12,577 visitors accessing the E-Programme, the answer is a resounding NO!
So, unless many more individuals start sending in their results over the coming months, I will have no choice other than to close down the website. The materials can still be available on individual request, but without a clear evidence base, the Tinnitus E-Programme website will cease to be by the end of 2010.
Debbie Featherstone DHP(NC)
Tinnitus E-Programme